What do we do?

We create platforms for secular people and groups to express themselves as humans, not the 30 or so labels we are attached to, such as race, gender, sexuality, income, work, hair color, weight, geographical locations, nationality, ethnicity, by holding several monthly and special events. Click EVENTS for details.

Check out our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@HAMTN/videos

Humanist Services

We have a speakers bureau that would come speak at your events.

We have several celebrants approved by American Humanist Association in-house that would help with Weddings, Divorce with Dignity, Birthing Ceremonies, Birthdays, Funerals, Memorials or Life Celebrations, Naming Ceremonies, and any other event you like to hold in your life.
Contact for more information: Hamtnhumanists@gmail.com

More Information

We also work closely with other vibrant groups and urge you to participate and take advantage of them.

Nashville Peace and Justice Center (https://www.nashvillepeacejustice.org/

Americans United for Separation of Church and State (https://www.nashville-au.org/).  

Sunday Assembly Nashville (https://www.sundayassemblynashville.com/)

Nashville Atheists (https://www.facebook.com/groups/168728283243498/)

Murfreesboro Freethinkers (https://www.meetup.com/murfreesboro-freethinkers/)